26TEN Communities announced

​26TEN Communities: Local literacy for work and life is a new Program, designed to improve adult literacy and numeracy skills in Tasmania by making a substantial long-term investment in communities. It takes time to build a culture where people see the benefits of improving literacy skills. It also takes time for those who struggle with reading, writing and maths to know where to find help and to feel comfortable asking for it. That's why the Program provides more resources for longer.

The sustained investment recognises the value of enabling local organisations and residents to work together to develop practical solutions that will build skills where and when they are needed. By implementing a locally made program we expect more people to seek help and to build a culture where it is okay to ask for help with reading, writing and maths.  

The first four communities and their host organisations are:  

  • Building a 26TEN Community, Glenorchy City Council
  • Parents, Families and Carers – Learning for our Kids: a 26TEN Community Project, Hobart City Mission, Clarence Plains
  • Connecting with literacy across Launceston Northern Suburbs – 26TEN Community Hub, Starting Point Neighbourhood House, Ravenswood
  • Huon 26TEN Community, Geeveston Community Centre.

The Tasmanian Government has committed to funding seven communities by 2024, facilitating lasting change by providing $3 million over the next four years. A fifth community will be added in 2022, with another two to be funded in 2023. All Tasmanians gain the benefits of building literacy skills because the communities that work collectively to build skills increase wellbeing and become more resilient and prosperous as a result of their efforts.

Glenorchy City Council - Building a 26TEN Community

The Glenorchy project will continue building a network of local service providers, businesses and individuals to improve literacy and to enhance prospects of current and future jobseekers. By working with the Glenorchy Jobs Hub, providing accessible and comfortable locations for learning, and promoting the benefits of improved literacy to businesses and the community as a whole, the project will have a lasting impact on skills.   

Hobart City Mission: Parents, Families and Carers – Learning for our Kids: a 26TEN Community Project

Hobart City Mission’s project at Clarence Plains sees collaboration between community groups, local schools and the Rosny Library, aimed at lifting awareness of literacy issues. With longer-term funding, they can build on their current achievements to engage the community with a focus on improving the reading, writing and maths skills of parents and caregivers so that they're better able to support their children’s education. 

Starting Point Neighbourhood House & Northern Suburbs Community Centre - Connecting with literacy across Launceston’s northern suburbs – 26TEN Community Hub

Launceston’s Northern Suburbs’ 26TEN Community Hub is about supporting local people to build their literacy and numeracy skills where and when they need it. As a 26TEN Community, with the longer term investment, the community will be able to build on their strong base of local experience and expertise to support initial literacy needs. The they will go further to help participants meet their personal, educational and employment goals. 

Geeveston Community Centre Inc - Huon 26TEN Community

The Geeveston Community Centre is hosting the Huon 26TEN Community, using their longer-term funding to build an independent and sustainable community. The project will focus on raising awareness of the benefits of improving reading, writing and maths skills, engaging learners and supporting employers to build workplace skills. The goal is to contribute to a prosperous community where local residents and workers have the confidence and skills they need to flourish in their work and family life.