Huon 26Ten Community's story

Building a community of independent learners

Huon Valley 26Ten community is all about learning together. The goal is to build a community of independent learners with strong reading, writing, numeracy and digital skills, a place where local residents and workers have the confidence and skills they need to flourish in their work and family life.

It started in 2015 when Geeveston Community Centre (GECO) won a grant to help local residents with literacy and numeracy needs. The community is making huge, positive steps towards its goal.

Huon Valley’s 26TEN community coordinator, known affectionately as ‘Literacy Lucy’, is a long-standing, trusted resident and expert adult literacy tutor. Lucy collaborates with businesses and community groups in Dover, Geeveston, Franklin, Cygnet and Huonville to help workers, job seekers, seniors and young people lift their skills. She also supports a skilled volunteer workforce who tutor local learners and workers.

Project: Huon 26Ten Community

Host: Geeveston Community Centre

Location: Huon Valley

Community Coordinator: Lucy

Launched: 2021

Activities: Adult literacy tutoring, Adult literacy volunteer workshops, PCYC market, Taste of the Huon, Wooden Boat Festival, a photobook class & the Greater than Garlic numeracy course.

Collaborates with: Libraries Tasmania, Huon Valley Council, Huon Aquaculture, Mitchell Plastic Welders, Tierney Law, Duggans Construction.

previous success story Michael, Staying connected
next success story Circular Head 26Ten Community

More success stories:

Photo of Melanie, adult learner

A pathway to learning

Melanie talks about her story as an adult Learner, her love of the Kinimathatakinta/George Town Library and her future.

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Picture of Nerida Plumpton

Writing in plain English at Houston's Farm

"It's also given us another opportunity to talk about plain English generally, and what that means to the business, and to emphasise that gone are the days that you need to use long words and complicated sentences in a business-related document. The theme is always keep it simple and transfer the message as clearly as possible."

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