Ray's story

​Ray is an adult learner with 26Ten who, in the past, has had difficulty with spelling. But since getting tutoring at Glenorchy Library he has been able to see significant changes in his reading and spelling. 

“Work’s been easier and I know how to spell the words that I need to. I’ve noticed the little things in life have been a lot easier to do,” he said. 

Ray explained how he found a Glenn McGrath cricket book at an op shop. “I started reading the book. Some of it was hard but being an ex-player and watching Glenn McGrath growing up, I worked it out. It was the first book I read cover to cover.”

Ray is now reading his second book – Side by side: a season with Collingwood. He goes on to say, “When I read the newspaper, I have also noticed there are mistakes in the printing. Before I started doing the tutoring sessions, I wouldn’t have given it a second look as I didn’t realise the mistakes.”

The coordinator for Ray’s literacy journey, Tim Steel, says, “Ray was very nervous when he first started and doubted his ability. He’s come leaps and bounds! Ray is spelling and reading with confidence.”

Ray expresses the positive outcomes the tutoring sessions have given him. “I have been able to read to my grandson,” he said.  

Ray encourages others to reach out saying, “Anyone with problems, just do it. It will change your life for the better. It may be scary at first but it gets better as the weeks go on.”

previous success story Julie, adult learner
next success story Alisa, adult learner

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