Nerida's story

Nerida Plumpton from Houston’s Farm talks about how they re-wrote their standard operating plans and other procedures in plain English.

previous success story Plain English and the law
next success story Lucy, Adult Literacy Trainer, Duggans

More success stories:

Photo of Michael Gale and Adult Literacy Trainer, Lucy Whitehead

Michael wasn't keen on technology to start with

"I was hopeless with paperwork, it all gets piled at the back of my ute. But now with the iPad, I've found everything's documented, all your emails and getting information to you quite quickly ... it's pretty easy"

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Photo of adult learner Julie, with tutor

Julie's learning journey

"I can sit down now and listen to the grandchildren, and even with my own kids, listen to their home readers, do their home readers with them, and even read the kids stories. I feel more confident and more happy in my own self."

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