Mike's story

This story comes from a publication produced by Libraries Tasmania, titled Staying Connected: In the shadow of the pandemic.

 In 2020, the impact of COVID-19 led to adult literacy students and tutors no longer being able to meet. When they were able to meet again, Libraries Tasmania invited adult learners and tutors to write stories and poems about how they stayed connected during the period of social isolation. This gave people an opportunity to be included in the stories that arose from this defining moment in history.

This is the story that Mike wrote, with his tutor, Margaret.

My life with COVID–19

When COVID-19 started, socially we needed to stay home. I still went to work but went straight home again afterwards. We did our shopping once a week early in the morning, so there were only a few people around.

Work changed with social distancing. We had to go on different lunch times and wash our hands all the time.

At home it was the same as before, but we kept our distance. I was worried about my mum and dad as they live overseas.

One of my friends is on the front line. I had planned to go overseas but could not go because of the virus. So now I talk to my mum and dad on Skype. My friends and I try and talk every week which is nice. It’s great to see them all.

My parents say social distancing is still happening there and they have wear to masks when they go outside. They are saying life is slowly getting back to what it was, which is good thing to hear. I am happy how the government has handled this virus and thank you to all the people on the front line.

I survived COVID-19 by fishing. Because I fish alone. This pandemic has not affected me. I like my fishing. I try and go when I can. The free fishing guide is a great place to start learning about local fishing.

You can find the book at Service Tasmania, along with a free ruler, which you can get as well. Together, they tell you about the legal catch size of the fish and the bag limit of how many fish you can take home. The book is good.

It will tell you all you need to know about fishing in Tasmania. You can also download an app on your phone to help you as well.

I fish at Sorell Bridge where you get great flatheads. It has features including a sandy brownish colour in spots that vary from white to black, occasionally with reddish brown spots on the side. There are two prominent spines on the gill cover, they are located on the upper and lower spine. And they are very sharp.

When you catch flatheads, they need to be at least 40cm long, using the ruler to find out if it’s the right size. If not big enough it needs to put back into the sea.

Although COVID -19 hasn’t affected me greatly. I appreciate it has affected many others completely differently. I am pleased I live in and very grateful that the government has handled this as well as they have.


Learn more about Mike’s story here.

previous success story Mike now reads, writes and sends texts
next success story Huon 26Ten Community

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