Jenna's story

Jenna didn’t do well in school. She struggled with handwriting and thought she would never be able to go to college. Reading was also a challenge. When Jenna would speak up in class, others would laugh and criticise, leaving Jenna feeling left out and foolish. At home sometimes people would ask her the time and if there wasn’t a digital clock in the room, she struggled to tell it.

Aware of Jenna’s lack of confidence and need to develop her skills, her Auntie contacted the local 26Ten Community Coordinator, Kate Grey, to seek advice and a referral. On speaking with Jenna, Kate quickly realised that Jenna was keen to learn. Together, they completed an expression of interest form for the Libraries Tasmania Adult Literacy Support Service.

Jenna met with Chelsea, the Adult Literacy Support Officer at Smithton Library. and explained that she really wanted to learn and improve her literacy skills, because she wanted to become a teacher’s assistant. They made a plan to improve Jenna’s handwriting, learn to tell the time properly, and to read aloud with confidence.

Working with Chelsea and Adult Literacy Volunteer, Paddy, has made a massive difference to Jenna. Learning as an adult is different, as Jenna explained:

“When it’s 1:1 I don’t feel embarrassed when I’m asking a question. I’m learning the stuff that I need to learn at my level instead of at everyone else’s level. I feel comfortable telling Chelsea other things that I want to learn, like wanting to learn sign language, because not all teachers want to help you with things and I want to learn as many skills as possible.

Paddy was really kind and a good teacher. If ever I had a problem understanding something he would go back and explain it to me in a different way. He encouraged me to ask questions. He reminded me that if I didn’t ask questions I wouldn’t be able to learn. He would always give me lots of time to answer.

Now I am quite confident and I know that I’m good at reading and my writing is much better. I’m good at money maths and telling the time now. My confidence in my style (clothes) has boosted also.

I just have so much more confidence in life.”

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