Iona's story

Iona Johnson is a literacy coordinator at Libraries Tasmania and she works at Risdon Prison.

Iona won the ‘Engaging our Learners: Adult award’ at the Department for Education, Children and Young People’s Together We Inspire Awards in September 2019 for her passion and hard work in lifting skills in reading, writing and maths.

previous success story Peter, Literacy Coordinator
next success story Julie, adult learner

More success stories:

Photo of Kelly, adult learner

Kelly's learning story

Kelly started off as a volunteer in the George Town Child and Family Learning Centre, and has continued her learning journey from there.

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Picture of Nerida Plumpton

Writing in plain English at Houston's Farm

"It's also given us another opportunity to talk about plain English generally, and what that means to the business, and to emphasise that gone are the days that you need to use long words and complicated sentences in a business-related document. The theme is always keep it simple and transfer the message as clearly as possible."

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