Don's story

Don can relate to the people he helps. Learn more about his love of tutoring in this video.

previous success story Nathan, adult learner
next success story Facing the fear and learning to read

More success stories:

Deb, Adult Literacy Trainer

The benefits and joy for all of training in the workplace

"It changes their world. It takes people from 'oh this is as good as it gets,' to 'well maybe I could do something more than this.' And that's magic. So if your organisation has any possibility of getting a 26Ten project, run with it."

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Photo of Tom

Tom's path to literacy

“You know you want to do something about it and that now is the time to do it. It doesn’t matter how old you are, or how young you are, but … once you’ve started you get the confidence that you, y’know, that you can, and it builds up from that, it just builds up and builds up.”

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