Did you know?

  • Many Tasmanian parents and carers struggle to read to their children?
  • Many Tasmanians have trouble writing at work with such things as taking messages, filling in pay sheets and writing emails?
  • Many Tasmanians struggle with numbers including reading the footy score?

Find out more about having a 26Ten Chat, and discover the life changing possibilities today!

previous success story 26Ten interviews with Print Radio Tasmania
next success story Michael, adult learner, Duggans

More success stories:

Picture of Shelley, Volunteer

You can be anybody when you can read a book

"To me, my students never fail. If they can't do something, it means I have to find another way to teach it."

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Photo Nicole Alley holding a camera and standing behind Rodney Duggan

Sharing 26Ten stories

Nicole Alley likes to tell stories and if the stories are inspirational and encourage people to support building skills at work, then all the better.

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