Bank of us's story

Bank of us has been a member of the 26Ten Network since 2022.

“At Bank of us we are proud to be a member of the 26Ten network.

As a 100% Tasmanian owned bank, we understand the real need to support Tasmanians to improve literacy and numeracy as these are the foundation of financial wellness. Bank of us CEO, Paul Ranson said 26Ten Week 2023 was an opportunity to focus on simple steps people can take to build their confidence with their finances.”

previous success story TasCOSS, 26Ten Member
next success story Launceston Northern Suburbs 26Ten Community

More success stories:

Photo of Julie, West Tamar Council

Julie's story

"The value of a 26Ten grant is that it allows Deb from TasTAFE to come into the Council to work one-on-one with employees. It's a great way to build the confidence people need to learn."

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Photo of Amy

Ongoing learning at Fonterra Spreyton

"The need for our workforce to develop with technology, to be able to excel in these roles, is important."

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