Anthony's story

Learn more about Houston’s Farm and what they did with their 26Ten Workplace Grant in the video below.

previous success story Nicole – sharing 26Ten stories
next success story Jade, adult learner, Houston’s Farm

More success stories:

Photo of Michael Gale and Adult Literacy Trainer, Lucy Whitehead

Michael wasn't keen on technology to start with

"I was hopeless with paperwork, it all gets piled at the back of my ute. But now with the iPad, I've found everything's documented, all your emails and getting information to you quite quickly ... it's pretty easy"

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Picture of Nerida Plumpton

Writing in plain English at Houston's Farm

"It's also given us another opportunity to talk about plain English generally, and what that means to the business, and to emphasise that gone are the days that you need to use long words and complicated sentences in a business-related document. The theme is always keep it simple and transfer the message as clearly as possible."

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