Interview with Sue Costello State Manager of 26Ten – Speaking about 26Ten Communities

In this second interview between Neil Broomfield and Sue Costello, they discuss 26Ten’s progress over the past five years and the program’s objectives for the next five. 

Listen to the interview here.

Total listening time 17 minutes and 31 seconds.

Interview with Dr. Judith Watson Coalition Member

Join Neil Broomfield from Print Radio Tasmania and Dr. Judith Watson from 26Ten. In this episode they discuss in detail some of the different 26Ten programs focusing on Health Literacy. 

Listen to the interview here.

Total listening time 13 minutes and 44 seconds.

Interview with Andrew Badcock from The Link, Youth Health Service

This episode is all about the connections between The Link and the 26Ten Program. Join Neil Broomfield and Andrew Badcock as they discuss situations faced by Tasmanian youth having difficulties with literacy and numeracy in their everyday lives and how 26Ten can benefit them.

Listen to the interview here.

Total listening time 14 minutes and 41 seconds.

Interview with Allyson Ekin, an Adult Literacy Coordinator for students and tutors

Allyson explains to Neil Broomfield the role of Libraries Tasmania and her role as an Adult Literacy Coordinator to encourage and help both students and tutors in the 26Ten program.

Listen to the interview here.

Total listening time 14 minutes and 38 seconds.

Interview with Sue Costello, the State Manager of the 26Ten program.

Join Neil Broomfield from Print Radio Tasmania and Sue Costello, from the literacy and numeracy education initiative collectively known as 26Ten, as they discuss the ambitious ten-year strategy to improve adult literacy and numeracy in Tasmania. Neil and Sue start the ball rolling by exploring 26Ten, its initiatives and strategies, along with its potential overall impact on the future Tasmanian community.

Listen to the interview here.

Total listening time 17 minutes and 6 seconds.

Interview with Allison Mitchell State Services Coordinator of 26Ten

Join Neil Broomfield from Print Radio Tasmania and Allison Mitchell from 26Ten in a discussion about celebrating ‘26Ten Week’.

They raise the many different issues faced by people who are struggling with literacy and numeracy, and the ways in which 26Ten can help them. They also discuss the achievements of 26Ten to date, in implementing their programs. 

Listen to the interview here.

Total listening time 17 minutes and 38 seconds.

Interview with Richard Warner AM Coalition Member

This intriguing discussion between Neil Broomfield and Mr Richard Warner AM covers the increasing need for better literacy and numeracy in the agricultural sector. Witness to that are the ever more complex instructions for mixing chemicals and operating highly advanced machinery to name just two examples.

Listen to the interview here.

Total listening time 18 minutes and 3 seconds.

Interview with Allyson Warrington Coalition Member 

Allyson has had considerable experience in her distinguished career. In this interview she talks about her deep interest and involvement in the aged care and disability sector. She focuses on solutions for the problems people have in navigating their way through the many agencies and providers in this sector, and it is hoped that what she has to say will enable them to make the right choices for their problems and needs. 

Listen to the interview here.

Total listening time 16 minutes and 40 seconds.

Interview with Malcolm Wells Coalition Member 

26Ten Coalition member Malcolm Wells, talks with Print Radio Tasmania about the difficulties facing parents with low literacy, and how we can support them. Malcolm has a background in teaching, school leadership and in the State Government’s Education Department as Deputy Secretary.

Listen to the interview here.

Total listening time 16 minutes and 40 seconds.

Interview with Iona Johnson – Literacy Coordinator in Risdon Prison 

Iona discusses about her background that led her to her involvement with Libraries Tasmania and the 26Ten program. She discusses the methodology of teaching literacy and numeracy skills in this specialised environment and illustrates it with examples of success, including a moving explanation of the ‘Books on CDs’ program where students in prison can read and record books. The books and CDs are then sent home to their children who can listen to their parent reading to them.

Listen to the interview here.

Total listening time 15 minutes and 58 seconds.

Interview with Lucy Whitehead – Tasmanian Council for Adult Literacy (TCAL) President 

Lucy Whitehead (aka Lucy Literacy, for reasons that will become apparent as you listen), has moved from studying English and Japanese literature to teaching English to non-English speaking students at university, and on to helping GECO (Geeveston) to form and run a co-ordinated programme with 26Ten and Libraries Tasmania. The discussion then moves to a wider pan-Australian level where a Federal Government Enquiry is underway now into the question of literacy and numeracy in our Continent’s population; then it moves back to some cheering examples of local successes with the programme.

Listen to the interview here.

Total listening time 17 minutes and 59 seconds.

Interview with Marta Dusseldorp Coalition Member – An award-winning actor, speaking about her work with 26Ten

One of the best-known TV and screen actresses of our time, Marta Dusseldorp talks about her connection and activities with the 26Ten programme.  In this interview, she speaks of her “authentic connection” with literacy, about the startlingly low literacy rate in Tasmania and about the many and varied forms of literacy, some quite surprising.  

Listen to the interview here.

Total listening time 18 minutes and 55 seconds.

previous success story Lindsay, Adult Literacy Tutor
next success story Did you know? A 26Ten cartoon by Jon Kudelka

More success stories:

Jenny Dodd, CEO of TasTAFE, volunteer Fiona Armstrong and Kate Warner, Governor of Tasmania

Award winning 26Ten volunteer

"I really enjoy seeing people's confidence soar when their literacy improves, and they suddenly realise what they are capable of."

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Photo of community garden in Launceston Northern Suburbs 26Ten Community

Launceston Northern Suburbs 26Ten Community

“We don’t want anyone to be held back because they can’t read or write.”

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