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26Ten workplace grant project - Huon Valley Council. Two people in high visibility clothing, sitting a table and writing.

Apply for a 26Ten Workplace Grant of up to $65,000

The 2024-25 grant round is now open! Improve reading, writing, maths, speaking, listening, and basic computer skills in your organisation with a 26Ten Workplace Grant. Tasmanian businesses can apply for…

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Photo of Bluegum Grounds Maintenance employees, Glenn and Alex, standing in front of a utility vehicle with a sign that says, 'men at work'. Both men are dressed in high visibility clothing.

26Ten Workplace Grants awarded for 2023-24

Congratulations to the recent recipients of the 26Ten Workplace Grants for 2023-24: These organisations will use their grants to improve the literacy, numeracy, digital, and communication skills of their employees…

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Photo of father reading to child - Launceston Library

26Ten Week 2024

Family fun with letters and numbers 26Ten Week will run from 21 to 27 October 2024. This year, we are highlighting the importance of family literacy and numeracy. Family literacy…

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Person holding pen and looking at a piece of paper

June is Plain English Month

June is 26Ten Plain English Month! Plain English month highlights the benefits of using plain English, not just for people with low literacy, but for everyone. When you communicate clearly,…

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26Ten logo in a square

26Ten has a new look

26Ten has refreshed the look of our logo, images and colour palette, making it more flexible and easier to use for members of the 26Ten Network and for people who…

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