Improving adult literacy and numeracy is key to the economic future of Tasmania. Every organisation has a role to play, and every organisation can benefit.

Improving the literacy and numeracy skills of your workforce, and using plain English in your workplace, will improve productivity and compliance, reduce safety incidents and help your business adapt to change.​

We offer free services for employers to build their skills.

By becoming a member of 26Ten you can raise awareness of literacy in Tasmania and improve the skills of those in your organisation. 26Ten membership is free and open to all Tasmanian business, community and government organisations.

26Ten Workplace Grants support employers to run projects to improve the literacy and numeracy of their workers. Improving the skills of your workers enables them to do their jobs better, providing mutual benefit to your organisation and to the individual workers.

Plain English is a style of communication that helps everyone understand information more easily. Empower your team to use plain English skills to communicate with your clients and colleagues, so that everyone, no matter their literary levels, can understand what you are trying to say.

After something else?

Maybe you want to employ an Adult Literacy Trainer or help an individual employee?