We collect real stories from real people and organisations about what better literacy and numeracy and clearer communication has meant for them, their families and their communities.

Together, these stories show how 26Ten has made a difference for Tasmanians in a way that numbers and statistics cannot.

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Photo of Nathan

Nathan turned his life around through literacy

“I just never expected it to have a snowball effect and affect other facets of my life.”

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Photo of Don

The secret is, you've just got to put your hand up and ask for help

"26Ten is a good idea. People out there should know that there's opportunities available for them. All the infrastructure is there. All they have to do is walk in and put their hand up."

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Two people sitting, with one comforting the other by holding their hand

​A 60-year-old former literacy student talks about facing fear and life changing decisions

A moving story from a former literacy student who didn't allow fear to hold him back.

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Photo of volunteer Lindsay

Staying active, seeing people improve and for the company

"I enjoy helping people and watching them improve through their tutoring sessions."

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Photo of Governer being interviewed at Print Radio Tasmania

Print Radio Tasmania - Turning print into sound

26Ten has done multiple interviews with Print Radio Tasmania over the years. Listen to them here!

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Cartoon image of a woman sitting at a bus stop reading, and a man standing reading a sign that says 'did you know'

A 26Ten Cartoon by Jon Kudelka

Find out more about having a 26Ten Chat.

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Photo of Michael Gale and Adult Literacy Trainer, Lucy Whitehead

Michael wasn't keen on technology to start with

"I was hopeless with paperwork, it all gets piled at the back of my ute. But now with the iPad, I've found everything's documented, all your emails and getting information to you quite quickly ... it's pretty easy"

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Fiona (adult literacy tutor) and Alisha

Alisha's story

"With the help of my tutor, I am now a fully licensed driver. We did the practical driving as well as the written activities. I passed my driver’s test the first time! I was so excited."

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