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Person holding pen and looking at a piece of paper

June is Plain English Month

Plain English month highlights the benefits of using plain English, not just for people with low literacy, but for everyone. When you communicate clearly, people are more likely to engage with your information, find it usable and trust what you’re saying.
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Graphic of a woman measuring timber -

26Ten Week 2023 – 23 to 27 October 2023

Join us in highlighting the vital role of numbers and maths in our everyday lives. This 26Ten Week we invite you to share the benefits of improving numeracy skills whether at home, at work or out in the community.
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Photo of a child's hands holding a red love heart. The child's hands are cradled in an adult's hands

26Ten Week 2024 – 21 to 27 October 2024

This 26Ten Week we are highlighting the importance of family numeracy. 26Ten works with adults to build their skills, so they can support literacy and numeracy in their children.
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