Libraries Tasmania adult literacy - photo of woman sitting at a table writing in a notepad and with a laptop open in front of her

26Ten has a vision for all Tasmanians to have the skills they need

We want to live in a Tasmania where all adults have the literacy and numeracy skills they need for work and life.

And we can’t do it alone. The 26Ten campaign involves a collective effort from businesses, organisations, community groups, individuals, and all levels of government, working together to lift adult literacy and numeracy skills in Tasmania. We are all part of the solution.

What is literacy and why is it important?

Literacy refers to more than reading, writing and numeracy. It means being able to use these skills along with oral communication, and creative thinking, to meet the demands of the modern world.

26Ten adult literacy awareness workshop

This free one-hour workshop explains the impact of low literacy on individuals and on the Tasmanian community. Participants also learn the many causes of low literacy and numeracy in the community and what can be done to help people improve their skills.

The adult literacy awareness workshop will help you find out more about:

  • The extent of the issue in Tasmania
  • The impact of low levels of literacy
  • What is being done to support adult literacy
  • What you and your organisation can do to help.

To book an adult literacy awareness workshop for your team, please email us.

How can you help?

Are you an individual?
Are you an organisation?

Explore our website to find out more about 26Ten and adult literacy in Tasmania. If you have any questions, please email us.