Join the 26TEN Coalition


The 26TEN Coalition is a group of influential Tasmanians motivating other Tasmanians to join the collective effort to lift adult literacy and numeracy. Coalition members are highly experienced, qualified and committed leaders of the Tasmanian community who volunteer their time to support 26TEN.

Members have a strong connection to a specific sector, whether in industry, community or education. They provide leadership in their sector to prioritise adult literacy and numeracy actions and encourage organisations to become members of 26TEN. They do this through outreach, raising awareness and engaging with colleagues in their sector. Leaders from: primary industry, including agriculture and aquaculture; health; financial; and community sectors are encouraged to apply. Applicants from the north and north-east of Tasmania are also encouraged.

The Coalition is supported by Government through LINC Tasmania. Membership will start in October 2016 and is initially for two years.

​If you are interested in being a member of this dynamic and high profile Coalition please download an application kit or speak to Sue Costello, Manager 26TEN on 6165 5513 or email If you would like a Word version of the kit please email

About 26TEN?

26TEN is about all Tasmanian adults having the literacy and numeracy skills they need for work and life. 26TEN represents the 26 letters of the alphabet and the 10 digits we use for counting. These are the tools we need to participate in family life, our communities, in learning and work.

26TEN brings together business, community, Government, training organisations and individuals across Tasmania. By working together, we can succeed in raising adult literacy and numeracy levels in our state.