Building literacy skills and confidence to get online

Building literacy skills and confidence to get online

Angela had no confidence and used to cry about her problems with reading and writing.


“I felt terrified about people knowing because I didn’t want them thinking I was dumb,” she said. Angela was referred to Glenorchy Library and started working one-on-one with a tutor.

“I didn’t think it was going to help but it is, although I wish I could make even faster progress. I’m working really hard.” Since working with her tutor, Angela has built her skills and taken computer courses with plans to do more.

“At Glenorchy Library I did a four week basic computing course. I was terrified at first. After a couple of weeks I started to like it a lot. Then I did ‘First Steps’ and ‘Prepare for Computing.’ Angela’s confidence has grown. “Before I was terrified of doing lots of things that other people take for granted, like catching a bus and buying a Greencard.”

A Greencard is how many Tasmanians pay for bus travel and get a discount on the fare. There is an online application form that Angela was able to fill out herself.

“I got a Greencard by myself recently and this was a very big deal for me,” said Angela.

Ask for help - "You've got to do it"

Angela's advice to others is to get some help.
“You’ve got to do it! It will help you with other things in life. I was stuck in a bubble. Now I’m doing lots of things and I have made new friends.”

It's never to late to learn to read, write, count - online

Literacy Coordinator at Glenorchy Library, Andrea McMahon emphasises that it is never too late to learn.

“It’s great to see people like Angela develop their confidence. It shows that we are all capable of learning new skills, including getting online.”

Get in touch with your local Libraries Tasmania branch or call 1300 00 2610.

There are also free literacy and numeracy resources available online such as And for help with digital literacy visit