Tool 8: Locating data on your community

This tool might help you with Step 2: Create a plan of action with your community

The Census of Population and Housing that is run every five years by the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) can provide you with data about your community, such as the number of people, age, gender, number of households, average incomes and so on. The Census products listed below are available free of charge from their website. They can be accessed through the ‘Census’ tab on the homepage or though the Census data tabs on this page

  • QuickStats

    If you want simple information, you can search for your area and get a quick summary. Access it from the Census home page by clicking on the Quick Stats icon.

  • Community Profile

    If you want detailed information for an area you can download it direct onto a spreadsheet. Like QuickStats, it is available by area and includes a series of summary tables covering a comprehensive range of data from the Census.

  • Tablebuilder

    With this tool, you can look at data items for a topic then delve further using tables, and you can also create your own tables, graphs and maps.

  • TableBuilder Basic

    This is designed for people who have some experience using Census data and who want to construct basic data tables.

  • TableBuilder Pro

    This tool is available for purchase and is designed for advanced Census data users who want the freedom to create large and/or complex tables.

  • DataPacks Download

    These packs contain more comprehensive data about areas and include geographic information.


    The Socio-Economic Indexes for Areas (SEIFA) is a product developed by the ABS that ranks areas in Australia according to relative socio-economic advantage and disadvantage. Files can be downloaded from the downloads tab of the SEIFA publication.

  • Other ABS data – Topics @ a Glance

    The ABS collects data on a wide range of topics outside the Census. This provides access to key statistics about topics such as people, industry, economy, regional, and environment and energy. These can be accessed through the ‘Topics at a Glance’ tab on the ABS website.

If you are unable to find the data you are looking for you can call the ABS on 1300 135 070 (free call) for assistance.