Chair of 26TEN welcomes funds for lifting adult literacy and numeracy

​The Chair of the 26TEN Coalition, Daryl Quilliam, welcomes the additional funding for Tasmania's campaign for adult literacy and numeracy, announced by the Treasurer in the Budget 2016-17.

"The 26TEN Coalition is delighted that the Government recognises the snowballing demand for 26TEN's services and the rapidly growing 26TEN network," said Daryl Quilliam.

"Last year, the Government committed to 26TEN Tasmania, the ten-year strategy to lift adult literacy and numeracy in Tasmania. This has strengthened and expanded our unique collaborative approach and seen the campaign grow.

"The Coalition now has 12 members up from eight previously and our roles are a key part of the strategy. My fellow members are all leaders in their fields who volunteer their time and need the extra support from the 26TEN Team that these funds will provide.

"The 26TEN Team also supports our network of members and supporters whose numbers have more than tripled in the last eight months.

"26TEN can continue to make a difference for Tasmanians who don't have the reading, writing, maths and oral communication skills they need in the modern world. Better literacy and numeracy means a better Tasmania for all."

About adult literacy and numeracy

Almost half of Tasmania's adult population lacks the literacy and numeracy skills they need for work and life today.

Good literacy and numeracy improve a person's quality of life including their health, ability to find a job and to do everyday tasks such as shopping, catching a bus and reading to their children.

Communities with higher literacy are more resilient and have a higher per capita income. Businesses with more literate workforces are more productive.

About 26TEN

26TEN represents the 26 letters of the alphabet and the ten digits and is Tasmania's campaign for adult literacy and numeracy.

26TEN is a network of over 200 organisations and individuals working together to improve adult literacy and numeracy in Tasmania.

The vision is for a state where all Tasmanians have the literacy and numeracy skills they need for work and life. Better literacy and numeracy means a better Tasmania for all.

The program offers one-on-one support through LINC Tasmania to adults who want support with literacy and numeracy.

26TEN support organisations with free plain English and literacy awareness workshops. They also offer grants to businesses and communities to help build skills.